Cute Cuts - 12 1/2" Trim-It Ruler

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Lori Holt Cute Cuts Trim-It 12.5" Square Ruler features a 1/4" seam allowance around the outside and aqua markings printed in 1" grids marked in .125" and .25" increments.

Use the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines to perfectly align and trim pieced or appliquéd blocks.
The ruler also features non-slip areas on the back.

It's very useful when trimming up specialty blocks as well!

Pictured blocks are Egg Money from one of her many free tutorials
on the Bee in my Bonnet blog.
The EGG MONEY BLOCK tutorial is from her Vintage Block Along
and the Great Granny block is from her book Great Granny Squared.
Both of these blocks use her "flip and trim" method.